Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In the Desert (Without a horse with any name!)

Finally got out of Texas! A few days ago while sitting around the truck stop in San Antonio shooting the breeze with another hitchhiker, someone came up to us and asked if we could drive, we said sure. He was heading towards Phoenix to deliver a tow along RV. So both of us piled in and took off. I took first driving shift and drove for a few hours. Now my friend whom I've been trying to meet up with was working his way East. I had him get off in New Mexico, and I met up with him there and picked him up. We continued on and got off in Eloy, AZ.

During that time we decided to do an equipment shopping as he had a little bit of money to do so. So we got the bare essential equipment we needed. Also I managed to book us a hotel room for only a penny! That was amazing!

We took a taxi to Phoenix hoping it would be easyer to get out of there, though that was a mistake. The first night in Phoenix we decided to sleep in a park in Tempe. After a few hours a Park Ranger found us and gave us a ticket for being past curfew in the park, that was run in with the law #1. We boogied on over to another more quiet spot, and hung out there till morning. Come morning time a park ranger paid us another visit, run in with the law #2. This time no ticket though :).

We took some public transportation to the northern most section of Phoenix that we could, up near Happy Valley Rd. We tried hitching from there on the interstate, and up came a State Trooper, run in with the law #3. He gave us a warning and we moved on up to the on-ramp. Shortly afterward a Phoenix officer pulled up us, run in #4.

When we realized we weren't getting out of here that night, we decided to camp out under the bridge since it had a very large platform at the top, so we did that. We got up and we decided to try again in the morning so that we could get the hell out of there. Though we ended up just coming over here to this shopping plaza and hanging out today. Though it is ok because now we got a chance to recharge our phones, charge the laptop, and get on the internet.

After doing some research I have decided we will try to get about 10 miles up the road to a highway called Carefree! It is supposedly the best place to hitch north out of here, and easy to get to from where we are at.

I will check in again soon when I get a chance!