Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sitting... Again

Sitting here in sunny and warm Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  In most cases I could think of no where else better to sit for a weekend, but we need miles!  We have spent more time sitting then driving, and we are not going to make much money that way. 

The drive from Hatfield, PA to Florida was nice though.  I started in Wilson, NC at 1am, and got to Orlando, FL by about 10:30am yesterday.  By the time we found the construction site we had to deliver to, my 11 was up.  It was nice to get a full 11 driving in though.  I drove 640 miles.  

I need to back us up a little though, to the delivery point in Orangeburg, NY.  The site as labeled by the Bill of Laden is a childrens pysch hopsital.  We drive to the place, and it is a large complex.  Quite a few modern looking buildings, but also some buildings so old, they looked like something out of a horror movie!  Driving around this place trying to locate the construction site was like driving around in some horror movie where a mad scientist or doctor is performing crazy experiments on people.  When we first got there it was about 6:30 in the morning, and it wasn't quite daytime yet, and the fog of the morning clung onto these old, scarey looking buildings just as you would expect to see in a horror movie.  After doing some research on this place, I found a NY Times article supporting the possability that this place is indeed something out of a movie.  The article which you can read by clicking here tells about how a man died in 1986 from being shot up with 9 different drugs!  I took some pics posted below.

1 comment:

  1. You're right MattDog. Looks like something straight out of a Stephen King flick.

    Possibly a coolie carrier recruiting center?
