First off I want to apologize for not posting in a while! I was quite busy the last few days and I spent a lot of time in bad cell reception areas.
After I loaded in Grand Prairie I took off for Pueblo, CO. I had to sit there for the weekend but that was Ok, plenty of shopping to be done there so I managed to spend my paycheck on a few needed and un-needed things :). Now Monday morning is when things got interesting!
Monday when I got to the construction site I was delivering too, it was a nice big open dirt lot, and at first they told me to park it right there by where I came in, COOL easy in and out... WRONG! Then they asked me to back up onto a hill so they could unload it right near where they had to install it. So I backed up onto the hill. Now the construction guy was SUPPOSED to be spotting me, but he didn't do a very good job because he got me stuck in a soft patch of dirt on a small drop off! We unloaded it where it was however. So after getting unloaded it was time to figure out how to get unstuck. Now on top of this, one of my drives went flat in the process! On top of that the company complained about the locking pins missing from my crane arm, and called my company and complained! So here I was stuck in soft dirt, a flat drive, and the company telling me I can't get a load until I get the crane pins fixed!
Well after getting some pallets of cinder blocks moved, and running over some plastic electrical piping I managed to back the truck out of it's little hole it was in. I then had to drive about 12 miles up the road to get the tire patched.
I still had my final stop to do yet over in Battlement Mesa, CO as well. So I headed on over there on US 50 across the mountains! It was definitely quite a beautiful scenic ride to say the least. Comparing Us 50 to I70 however, I would say I70 would be a better choice because it has an overall faster speed limit. US 50 cuts through a lot of towns and is mostly a 2 lane road with a lot of curves. Not a bad road though!
Tuesday morning I delivered my final in Battlement Mesa, and headed over to Grand Junction, CO to get my crane pins repaired. I had to sit until Wednesday to get a load, but I got one!
So Wednesday I picked up a load of piping insulation, it was only on 4 pallets and weighted less then 1,000 pounds. That load had to go to Cochise, AZ. Now there aren't too many easy ways to get from Western Colorado down to Arizona. So after a quick look at the map, the best choice was to take 70 over into Utah, and catch 191 down to 163, then jump on 160 over to I40, then I17 down to I10.
I tell you this, that ride on 191/163/160 is now my most favorite road(s) in all of America! The scenery is almost magical and mystical, with the most beautiful landscape that one could ever imagine! From the famous arches, to Valley of the Gods, to Monument Valley and through the painted desert. A lot of western movies have been shot through these areas, and it is surely something you HAVE to see in person.
I delivered my load over in Cochise, AZ which is right near where the shoot out at the OK Corral took place! Delivered to a coal power plant over there. I have to pickup a load in Phoenix today, so yesterday I headed back towards Phoenix and stopped in Eloy for the night. Just sitting and waiting on a fellow driver on a forum I am on called called so that we can roll together over towards Phoenix. Just found out I am picking up a load of Diapers! Going to Austin, TX.
I have a LOT of pictures that I took, and I promise I will post some up soon!